3 Ways To Remove Lipstick Stains From Curtains

3 Ways To Remove Lipstick Stains From Curtains

Does this happen with you that you are going to a party and on your way out of home, the mirror in the drawing-room suddenly catches your eyes and tell you to take some amount of lipstick out because it’s too much and that’s when you realise that there’s no cloth around so you just kiss the light coloured curtains on the window pane? In that case, trust me, you are not the only one.

We all sometimes try to wipe off our lipsticks on curtains of either our drawing room, living room or bedroom. It is so because we feel that it’s ok for a little mark and it’ll be washed off. The little mark turns into marks and then, you realise that now there’s no going back. Then is the time when you start searching for an ideal Curtain Cleaning in Melbourne company. In case, you are not able to work out the Shit awaits to have happened with you.

Remove the Stains
Remove the Stains

Ways of Cleaning Lipstick Off your Curtain yourselves;

The curtain is all stained. You start cursing yourself for not using the make-up remover but Nah, that doesn’t really help. So, to get you rid of that regret, here are three tips which will help you with curtain cleaning.

  1. Use Rubbing Alcohol –

    I totally agree that curtain cleaning can be a tough thing. Particularly when there’s a strain on it, it gets worse. To get rid of the lipstick stain, rubbing alcohol is the best curtain stain removal method. All you need to do is put some cotton in rubbing alcohol and blot the stain on the curtain. Once the stain in properly blotted, rinse the alcohol using warm water. You’ll see that the stain has vanished, if not, repeat the method. After you finally get rid of the stains, wash the curtain as you usually wash it.
  2. Remove the Stains from Curtain Using Hairspray –

    Another curtain stain removal method is by using hairspray. It is easy and efficient. Since your curtain is already so stained, you can use hairspray on it. You need to spray it on the stain and let it sit for some time. Now, using a cloth dipped in warm water, wipe off the area. You will realise that the stain mark is fading away, now just wash the curtain as usual. Once the curtain is washed, you will see that there is no stain on it and it is as good as new.
  3. Curtain Dry Cleaning –

    Well well well, there is no point in curtain cleaning by hands out machine because the stain is stubborn. Your hands would wear off or if you use the washing machine, the curtain material would wear off and there won’t be an outcome. In this condition, curtain dry cleaning is the only option. 
Curtain Dry Cleaning
Curtain Dry Cleaning

Why Do You need to Get Assistance from Curtain Cleaners?

Curtain Cleaning professionals such as Squeaky Green Clean use dry cleaning methods to get rid off tough curtain stains such as lipstick stains. Remember some-time even the most professional tips from curtain cleaners can leave the traces, wherein you will definitely require them to walk-in and clean the curtains via themselves only.

Hence, it is better that you keep call There is no better alternative to this. You can start by searching for local curtain dry cleaner and give your curtains, a new look.